Shareware: US$5.00, free to all Capitol Macintosh User Group members.
Requires System 7.0 (come on folks, 6.0.8 is over 3 1/2 yrs. old)
RAM footprint: 3k of system heap.
What does it do?
Click, there it is! is something Apple should have done in the open/save dialog since the invention of the Multifinder. Have you ever wanted to open/save a document into a place where the Finder already has a window opened for it? A certain popular utilities package got it half right with one of their components except they don't let you click on the Finder window's title bar. Click, there it is! has no such restrictions. If you see the window in the Finder you can instantly make that your current folder simply by clicking on it. If want to select the desktop, simply click on the desktop. If the open/save dialog should happen to obscure the Finder window you are looking for, then simply drag it out of the way by dragging it from any point along the frame!
Power User Tip:
Click, there it is! can be greatly enhanced by using a utility called WindowShade. WindowShade lets you open alot of Finder windows and shrink them down to their title bars. You can use Click, there it is! to select any of those windows for opening/saving just by clicking on their title bars.
About the Startup Fanfare:
Click, there it is! gets its name from Tag Team's song, "Whoomp! (there it is)", a recent #1 hit on the US pop charts.
If you want to disable the spinning icon and startup sound hold down the space bar, Click, there it is! will still load but without the fanfare. Pressing the space bar during the startup process toggles between showing and not showing and the extension loads regardless of the setting.
System, MIS, Site or other admins:
It's OK to delete the 'snd ' resource in Click, there it is! if you're afraid you use it in a "sensitive" environment. I do check for nil handles when I load the resources.
Distribution:, Applelink Software Collection, America Online,
comp.binaries.mac. Other distribution outlets are encouraged.
Ziffnet Mac distribution is prohibited until they cease with their restrictive distribution policies for Serial of Champions, FindPro III, Thumbnails and other similar software they have developed. Subscribers can only obtain this software directly from ZiffNet. No other non-profit electronic service can distribute them. On the other hand, Ziffnet distributes everyone else's shareware with no problems.
For info on Capitol Macintosh, Austin's latest Macintosh Users Group contact,
Capitol Macintosh
P.O. Box 684661
Austin, Tx 78768
Voice (512) 479-8040
First Class BBS: (512) 479-0290, 24 hours, 2 lines.
Version History
1.0.1 - No longer depends on Mac II ROMs and later for showing the
startup icon. This prevented CPUs that originally shipped with
68000 processors from loading the extension. Boy did I hear this
from you!
- No longer causes problems if the Finder isn't running. If you quit
the Finder or run At Ease without the Finder that's ok now. Except
there isn't much benefit doing this.
- Sometimes double-clicking on an already selected window might
cause strange things.
- Fixed a bug where my filters were being called in open/save
auxiliary windows. Thanks Apple.
- Smaller disk footprint due to Resorcerer's elimination of extra
cicn data. Thanks Doug.
1.0.0 - first public release
Compatibility History
- Click, there it is! must load after Norton's Directory Assistance II. It's bad programming on their part. Sorry.
- I got reports that Click, there it is! has problems with OpenWide, but I tested all 8 and open/save cases with version 3.5.4 and had no problems.
- Some problems may exist if combined with third party wdefs. The dragging feature requires wdefs to implement modal windows like Apple, i.e. a little gap between the "inContent" region and the size of the "portRect" otherwise you will not get the dragging feature.
Programmer/Technical info:
Developed with Symantec C++ 6.0.1 and THINK C 6.0.1.
Click, there it is! obtains running copies of the Finder's low memory global WindowList and stores it for future use. It then patches _Pack3 and converts all sfget/put, StandardGet/Put File calls to respective sfpget/put, CustomGet/Put files with my filters. My filters are tailpatched to call any custom filters if they are supplied. Whenever the user clicks outside of the open/save dialog, I switch out the current WindowList with the Finder's (if it's running) and call FindWindow(), then I restore the WindowList. Once I have the Finder's window I access undocumented structures to get the DirID and vrefnum of the folder. I store the appropriate info in SFSaveDisk and CurDirStore then I return "sfRebuildList" to the Hook function. That's it.